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Philippine Election Immediately Apply Automatic Machine Using the Year 2010

30__smartmatic-election-machinesStill remember the general election a few months ago? Yes, in Indonesia are still using systems that count ballots still done manually, in which the calculations were done manually by a team of election specifically determined in certain places, then this new combined and certainly takes time to check again whether the all calculations have been done properly or not.

Unlike the case with the next general election will be held in the Philippines, the country seemed already more advanced than our country in conducting elections. Reported later in the year 2010, the Philippines will use voting systems use a machine like that done in the United States.

With these machines, the election would be a little different. Voters will choose their candidate is still using the ballot, which voters will be circled or marked candidate under the names of their choice. The next ballot will be entered into the vote counting machines, which automatically vote will be counted and forwarded to the city and the national server. Counting machine sends back the encrypted electoral results and will print eight copies of the various political parties and can be re-checked again manually. So surely even use the machine, there are ballots will still be checked manually to determine its validity.

Currently this automated election system Smartmatic International which has been adopted in the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Barbados, Spain, Taiwan and the new will be applied in the Philippines. Well, when ya think about this automated system will be done in the general election in Indonesia? Could it be done the next 5 years? We'll see.

For a little look at the atmosphere of this election, please see the videos below:


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